Aluminum Magnesium Boride BAM is acknowledged as the Slipperiest Material

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Aluminum magnesium borate, also known as Al3Mg3B56 or BAM in colloquial terms, is a combination of aluminum magnesium and boron. Its molecular formula nominal is AlMgB14. However, its chemical composition resembles Al0.75Mg0.75B14. This ceramic alloy is known for its high wear resistance, low coefficients of sliding friction (recorded at 0.04 in the unlubricated condition, and 0.02 when lubricated), as well as its high wear resistance. BAM’s orthogonal structure, which consists of four icosahedral B12 unit cells per cell, was first described in 1970. It is common to use a superhard material that has a similar thermal expansion coefficient as other materials such as concrete or steel. Performances in everyday applications of aluminum-magnesium boreide product
Aluminum cabinet ceramic is resistant to high temperatures, scratches, oils, easy cleaning, water resistance and impact resistance. It also has a long life span, affordability, and cost benefits.
Environmental protection is the first priority. Even if the cabinet plate is environmentally-friendly, it will still use glue because the entire sheet is made from particleboard and MDF. There will still be formaldehyde in the cabinet panels, even if they meet environmental standards.
2. Good performance: not only durable, environmental friendly, and meets waterproof, fireproof, and pest control three requirements. Other functions include resistance to acid, cleaning, good oil resistant, scratch, and more. Cabinets that are not replaceable.
3. Durable. Rugged. Yes, wooden cabinets have a life span of 10 years or less. The ceramic cabinets are at least as old as the house itself, and even more. The main framework of the cabinet is composed of ceramic tiles, aluminum and is therefore more durable than the general
The frame of the entire cabinet is made from durable wood.
BAM, the most slippery material on earth
Aluminum magnesium Boride is a material with a unique composition. This gives it an advantage. The material has an extremely low coefficients of friction and excellent hardness.
Its hardness is a result of an accident. Alan Russell, an materials scientist from Ames Iowa State University said, “We had a bad time when we tried to cut, grind or polish it.”
The friction coefficient is less than half that of Teflon. Teflon is known to have a friction coefficient 0.05. BAM, however, has a friction of 0.02. For a reference, steel has a frictional coefficient of 0.16.
This new material, which is available in a thin coating that can be used on a variety of surfaces, offers the energy and lifespan advantages that BAM claims. BAM can be estimated to save US industries 330 trillion kilojoules (or 9 billion kilowatt hours) every year by 2030. That’s equivalent to 179 million dollars in annual savings.
This material’s dexterity is being studied to determine its mechanical properties. A material normally only displays characteristics like hardness and low friction. Both phenomena are new and highly prevalent in the material.
BAM is a solution to the worst nightmare for every engineer: friction. Friction reduces the performance of a machine, uses a lot of power, and increases the complexity of its design. BAM is able to relieve most of this stress, by providing a super-hard, incredibly smooth, material that allows for the machine being much longer than it has ever been before.
(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a global leader in the manufacture and supply of Aluminum Magnesium Boride Powder with more than 12 year’s experience is a trusted supplier & manufacturer. Currently, we have developed a number of materials. Aluminum magnesium boride manufactured by our company is high in purity, has fine particles and contains low impurities. To get the most recent price on Aluminum magnesium Boride powder, please send us an e-mail or click the desired products to send us an inquiry.