Colloidal Gold
1.Gold nuparticles may be used in the detection of cancer
Sciencedaily stated that nanoparticles of gold can be used to detect early cancers such as the mouth, neck, and brain. Injecting nanogold into a patient can make cancer cells stick to the body and reflect certain wavelengths of light. 2.Gold nanoparticles may be used in chemotherapy for cancer Both normal and immune cells can be damaged by conventional chemotherapy. stated that gold nanoparticles could improve chemotherapy’s effect and minimize side effects. The gold nanoparticles have a high absorption rate and can therefore be coated with chemotherapy drugs to be delivered directly to the cancer cells. You can heat nanogold that has been infrared heated to kill cancer cells. This means that chemotherapy with nanogold may be effective in killing cancer cells, without affecting normal cells. It is possible to make 3.Nanogold into an injectable These USES can be combined with nano-gold injections. has reported that nano-gold can be used to balance the electrolyte level of the cells. It also improves the immunity. It is small and will reach the cells quickly because it’s easily absorbed by the body. You can use it to restore immune system, reduce inflammation and pain, nerve pain, brain function, and blood circulation. Advanc3dmaterials (aka. Advanced material by Advanc3dmaterials. With over 12 years of experience, Advanc3dmaterials is an established global supplier and manufacturer for chemical materials. High quality Collloidal Gold products are produced by our company. We can help you if the price is lower.Inquiry us